Thursday, September 17, 2009

Toffee Apple Dip

We found our new favorite treat! This toffee dip is the best! It is super easy to make and a little goes a long way. Thank you so much Emily. YUM!

1 (8oz) cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 (8oz) bag Heath toffee bits

Mix all ingredients together and serve with sliced apples or refrigerate till ready to serve. Makes about 3 cups.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Preparing children for General Conference is the best place to look if you're searching for General Conference packets and resources to use with your children. The Ensign had a great article in the March 2009 issue Preparing Children for Conference. Kate took the ideas from the article and compiled them in an easy-to-read list.

These two ideas sounded great:

• Hang the pictures of the apostles near the T.V. and each time a new speaker gets up to speak, find his picture on the poster. When the picture is found, put a sticker on that person’s picture.
• Have a bowl of small treats for each session. Next to the bowl place objects that represent key words for that session. Each time the children hear one of those words spoken from the pulpit they can help themselves to one treat.
The idea door, and LDS Coloring Page Blog has some great links for activites. Mormon Momma also had some great ideas.

Let us know if you have any other ideas. We would all love to hear them!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering September 11th

Today is a good day to reflect on the blessings we have been given. Please take a minute to watch this Finding Hope (double click on "Finding Hope"). Remember that day, put out your flags, and be grateful for your blessings.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Today at 9 minutes and 9 seconds past 9 this morning it was 09:09:09 09/09/09. Today is the 252 day of the year 2+5+2=9. It is Wednesday today, Wednesday has 9 letters in it. It is September. September has 9 letters in it. A good day if your lucky number is 9!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Birthday!

2 Helen Macfarlane

2 Pamela Higgins

3 Staci Freeman

4 Kathryn Horrocks

4 Marcie Gilgen

8 Mollie Swenson

9 Frances Hunter

9 Cindy Iman

9 Betty Kauwe

13 Lee Ann Premo

15 Mary Hutchens

15 Margaret Parry

19 Megan Marshall

19 Charlene Russell

21 Louise DeMoux

21 Georgia King

21 Georgia Warren

22 Aimee Dussol

24 Kally Whittle

25 Kathleen Cook

25 Barbara Hales

29 Valerie Simonich

30 Teresa Jenkins

30 Beverly Buttars

30 Loraine Garvey

September Visiting Teaching Message

Understand and Live the Gospel of Christ

Teach these scriptures and quotations or, if needed, another principle that will bless the sisters you visit. Bear testimony of the doctrine. Invite those you visit to share what they have felt and learned.

How Can I Better Understand and Live the Gospel?

Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin (1917–2008) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: "Faithful members of the Church should be like oak trees and should extend deep roots into the fertile soil of the fundamental principles of the gospel. We should understand and live by the simple, basic truths and not complicate them. Our foundations should be solid and deep-rooted so we can withstand the winds of temptation, false doctrine, adversity, and the onslaught of the adversary without being swayed or uprooted. . . .

"Spiritual nourishment is just as important as a balanced diet to keep us strong and healthy. We nourish ourselves spiritually by partaking of the sacrament weekly, reading the scriptures daily, praying daily in personal and family prayer, and performing temple work regularly. Our spiritual strengths are like batteries; they need to be charged and frequently recharged" ("Deep Roots," Ensign, Nov. 1994, 75).

Barbara Thompson, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency: "Sisters, now more than ever, we need women to step up and be strong. We need women who declare the truth with strength, faith, and boldness. We need women to set an example of righteousness. We need women to be 'anxiously engaged in a good cause.' We need to live so that our lives bear witness that we love our Heavenly Father and the Savior Jesus Christ and that we will do what They have asked us to do" ("Now Let Us Rejoice," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2008, 116).
2 Nephi 31:12: "Follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do."
How Does Understanding and Living the Gospel Bless Lives?

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency: "As we strive to understand, internalize, and live correct gospel principles, we will become more spiritually self-reliant. . . . I testify as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ that He lives, that the gospel is true, and that it offers the answers to all personal and collective challenges the children of God have on this earth today" ("Christlike Attributes—the Wind beneath Our Wings," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2005, 100, 101).

Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: "The plan of happiness is available to all of his children. If the world would embrace and live it, peace, joy, and plenty would abound on the earth. Much of the suffering we know today would be eliminated if people throughout the world would understand and live the gospel" ("Answers to Life's Questions," Ensign, May 1995, 23).

Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: "We must live the gospel in such a way that we will have the Spirit to ever be with us. If we live worthily, the Spirit will always be with us. We can then teach by the Spirit. . . . The reason we pray, study the scriptures, have good friends, and live the gospel through obedience to the commandments is so that when—not if, but when--the trials come, we are ready" ("Teaching by Faith," Liahona, Sept. 2003, 10, 14–15; Ensign, Sept. 2003, 20, 24–25).

September Announcements

Stake Relief Society Temple day is Thursday, September 10 at 7:00pm; to do initiatories.

Father and Sons Camp out will be on Friday, September 11 and 12 at Camp Atoka.

CES Singles Fireside on Sunday, September 13, 6:00pm at the Institute.

Enrichment Night will be Thursday, September 17 at 6:30. We're going to have dinner and a group discussion where we help each other answer questions we may have about parenting, marriage, friendships... interpersonal relationships in general.

Dry Pack Canning training is on Thursday, September 17, 7:00pm at the Stake Center.

Court of Honors is on Thursday, September 17, 7:00pm at the Stake Center.

Stake Temple Day is on Saturday, September 19 at 8:00am.

The Brunch Bunch will be meeting on Saturday, September 19, 10:00am at IHOP (off 12th street and Washington). If you need a ride please call Jenny Venegas.

Over 35 and Single have an activity on Saturday, September 19th, 11:00am at Camp Atoka.

Book Club will meet on Wednesday, September 23 at 6:00pm. They are reading Led by Faith by Immaculee Ilibigiza. For October they will read The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom.

Craft Group will meet on Thursday, September 24 at 6:30pm. for a Relief Society Project Night.

General Relief Society Meeting will be held on September 26. The broadcast will air at 6pm and again at 8pm.

General Conference will be held on October 3 and 4. The morning session begins at 10am and the afternoon session begins at 2pm.