Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What shall we give?


**We are looking for the sheet music for "Women of the Well" by Kenneth Cope. If someone has a copy that we can borrow for our RS birthday celebration, please let Jenny Venegas know.**

Through Dec. 11 - Savior of the World on Tues, Wed., Fri., and Sat.

4 - Brunch Bunch - 9am IHOP. No Brunch Bunch in January

5 - First Presidency Christmas Message

9 - Craft and Hooks 'n Needles Group - 6:30. We will be making Orangettes.

11 - Ward Christmas Party, 9am, breakfast served
11 - Stake Conference - 4pm. Priesthood Leadership and adult members 7pm

12 - Stake Conference - 9am

18 - Ward temple session, 9am

28 - Winter Quarterly Activity - 6:30pm in the gym. Child care provided. Hot Cocoa and Cider bar. Bring leftover Christmas treats to share. We will be making quilts and blankets to donate to the YCC.

31 - Youth New Year's Eve social & dinner - ages 12-18

*no book club this month, next meeting January 19th 6pm at the church

*for 2011 all quarterly activites and most focus groups will be held on the 2nd Thursday of each month.

1 - 9pm, Youth New Year's Eve dance - ages 16-18

Volleyball for 31+ single adults every Tues. at 8:30 - Stake Center
Young Adult temple night every Wed. at 7pm

Happy Birthday!

1 - Arlene Green
3 - Marie Balderas and Mary Lyon
4 - Vicky Humphrey and Holly Talbot
9 - Jessica Miller
13 - Kathleen Cooley and Len Nae Warnes
14 - Judy Lee and Emily Burcham
15 - Marilyn Buehler
17 - Julie Sandberg
19 - Teresa Ipson
20 - Marni Stuart
22 - Linda Beach and Jeanne Kurtz
23 - Corrie Hout
24 - Natalie Garcia and Jennifer Kammeyer
26 - Kaelee Crosby
28 - Cora Hudson, Trinedy Young and Mary Johnson

Our Responsibility to Participate in Temple and Family History Work

Over the centuries many people have died without knowledge of the gospel. Some of those people are your near and distant relatives. They are waiting for you to do the necessary research to link your families together and perform saving ordinances on their behalf.

Most of the temples of the world are not busy enough. The Lord has promised that your hearts would be turned to the fathers so that the earth would not be utterly wasted at His coming (see D&C 2:2-3).

There are personal blessings you receive as a result of participation in temple and family history work. One of these is the joy that you feel as you serve your ancestors. Another is that you are able to qualify for a temple recommend, which signifies your worthiness before the Lord. Those who are not worthy today of the privilege of having a recommend should be working with a bishop or branch president to qualify as soon as possible. Please don't be without this vital qualification. I testify that the Atonement is real and that sins can be forgiven upon proper repentance.

As we participate in temple and family history work, we are certain to have the Spirit to comfort us in our challenges and to guide us in important decisions. Temple and family history work is part of our work of providing relief, or service, to our own ancestors.

Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president.

From the Scriptures

Malachi 4:5-6; 1 Corinthians 15:29; 1 Peter 3:18-19; D&C 110:13-16; 128:24

From Our History

"The Prophet Joseph Smith said, 'The greatest responsibility in this world that God has laid upon us is to seek after our dead' (History of the Church, 6:313). From the beginning, Relief Society sisters have supported this great work. In Nauvoo in 1842, Sarah M. Kimball's desire to help the temple construction workers prompted a group of sisters to organize themselves so that they could serve more effectively. As they began to meet, the Prophet . . . organized the first Relief Society after the pattern of the priesthood. From that time on, the Relief Society sisters helped further the work on the Nauvoo Temple. . . .

"In 1855, eight years after the Saints first arrived in Utah, the Endowment House was established. Eliza R. Snow, who had been one of the original members of the first Relief Society and had preserved the records of that organization, was called by President Brigham Young in 1866 to be the general Relief Society president. She and other sisters were faithful workers in the Endowment House. Then, as the St. George, Logan, and Manti Temples were completed, these sisters traveled to each temple so they could do work for the dead there."1

What Can I Do?

How can I help my sisters search out their ancestors and perform temple ordinances for them? Consider the circumstances of each sister as you ponder how to meet her needs. You might consider that family history work can often strengthen new, returning, and less-active members.

When has temple and family history work comforted me in my challenges or guided me in important decisions?
For more information, go to

1. Mary Ellen Smoot, "Family History: A Work of Love," Ensign, Mar. 1999, 15.